Friday, December 11, 2009

Review of the Waking Life

Yesterday I watched Richard Linklater’s Waking Life. Although I was impressed with the animation of the film, I was disappointed with the movie as a whole. This film is all over the place to say the least in that new characters arise every five minutes and begin sharing there own philosophical thoughts with “dreamer.” The film follows the main character (Willy Wiggins from Dazed and Confused) through a series of dreams until he realizes that he can’t wake up. Through his dreams he explores many characteristics of life such as human’s violent nature, dreaming and the possibilities of god and reincarnation. The idea for this film is interesting, yet it truly is one hour and forty minutes of just talking. I can deal with hours of talking, but the problem is I gained no feelings toward any of the characters. As far as the philosophies explored, I did find some of them fascinating such as the analysis of revenge by a prisoner in a jail cell. However, most of the philosophies run together. To much is going on in this film and by the end I simply didn’t care. If you do decide to watch this film, I would suggest a clear head and the mood for patience since its a lot to take in. As for me, I think the film should have concentrated more on a couple important philosophies rather than attempt to explore every aspect of human life in less than two hours.

RATING: 2.3/5

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