Friday, December 25, 2009

Review of A Chirstmas Carol 3D

This holiday season perhaps the most known Christmas adaptation in the world has been released in 3D. Of course I'm talking about A Christmas Carol, yet instead of being excited only one simple question comes to mind, Why? Certainly Robert Zemeckis (who directed Forest Gump, Back to the Future, and Romancing the Stone) could have found a story more fit for 3D animation. This is not to say that A Christmas Carol is not great tale about one man discovering the Christmas spirit. However, by making the film in 3D, Zemeckis overuses digital effects that are not necessary to the plot. Sure its cool to see an old man fly through the air every once in a while or see a 3D ghost coming at you head on but the effects in this film are overused. So despite entertaining at times A Christmas Carol displays no originality and is less superior to the other versions of the film because it focuses more on effects and less on character development. By the end of the film I didn't really care whether Scrooge learned about the joy of Christmas, which is supposed to be the entire moral of the movie. After getting out of the movie all I could think about was why can't Hollywood create new original Christmas films?

RATING: 2.8/5

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