Thursday, December 24, 2009

Review of Avatar

While watching James Cameron's Avatar I didn't feel like I was simply viewing another film but I felt as if I was in the middle of a one-of-a-kind experience. In a similar fashion to how The Matrix (1998) raised the bar for technology in cinema in the late 90s, Avatar has now raised the level even higher. Throughout the entire film I was amazed at how gorgeous the planet of Pandora looked as well as the blue natives and the human made machines brought to occupy the newly found planet. Not since Star Wars (1977) has a more fascinating world been created. As far as the plot goes, it basically has the same story as Dances with Wolves (1990) and The Last Samurai (2003), which is not necessarily a bad thing. However, lets face the facts, the reason to go see Avatar is not for the plot but it is to see the amazing digital technology. Though it is almost three hours, Avatar is like a roller coaster that keeps you on the edge of your seat for a long period of time except there is no long line, no quizzy stomach, and no screaming people behind you (except for the occasional screaming baby that some dumb parent thought was good idea to bring to the movie theater). Throughout the last decade I have had my hesitations about filmmakers overusing special effects (such as in the new Indiana Jones and 300). However, after seeing Avatar I am excited about the use of modern technology in film. Avatar has demonstrated that through the use of CGI new worlds can be created and look almost realistic. In short, you need to go see Avatar on the big screen, with the 3D glasses, and with a large popcorn and a drink. Avatar is why people go to the movies, to be entertained beyond words.

RATING: 3.8/5

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