Friday, December 11, 2009

Five Most Overrated Films

5) Titanic

Yes I agree its an epic film with a talented director. However, Titanic has made over 1.8 billion dollars, which is more money than any other film ever created. I'm not saying Titanic is a bad film but it simply does not meet the requirements to be the top grossing film of all-time. Also, it should not have had so much success at the Oscars (11 wins). I may be a bit bitter because Titanic beat out L.A. Confidential at the 1998 Academy Awards. However, being over three hours long Titanic is not very re-watchable. I dread ever having to sit through the movie again.

4) 2001: A Space Odyssey

When it comes to talented filmmakers Stanley Kubrick is at the top of my list and honestly I can understood how the special effects in 2001: A Space Odyssey were viewed as impressive in 1968. However, in modern times I found this film dreadful to watch. It is too long, the story is boring, and the ending is simply frustrating. Some movies are able to stand the test of time, and 2001: A Space Odyssey is simply not one of those movies. Pass on this one and re-watch Star Wars instead.

3) The Passion of the Christ

I think Mel Gibson is one of the most talented filmmakers in Hollywood. The direction is not the problem in The Passion of the Christ but the script and the focus on torture is the problem. It is true that I am not a religious person and so the film possessed no theological meaning for me. But no matter what your beliefs it is hard to argue that The Passion of the Christ does not suffer from repetitiveness and unnecessary violence (this coming from a person who loved Kill Bill and Sin City). It is not the blood I had a problem with but it is the fact that the violence is not done in a way in which I cared about the person suffering. Everyone understands that Jesus suffered greatly for our sins, but Gibson should have focused more on why the crucifixion of Jesus mattered rather than spent so much time torturing not only Jesus but the audience. There are other means to show the sacrifices that Jesus made for our sins but watching him suffer for an hour and a half was simply not entertaining or insightful. By end I didn't feel sorry for Jesus, I felt sorry for myself. Instead watch Martin Scorsese's The Last Temptation of Christ, which gives a much more thoughtful approach to the sacrifices of Jesus Christ.

2) 300

For me 300 represents a common problem with many new releases over the past 5 years, which is the over concentration of CGI and less emphasis on an interesting story and writing. The premise for 300 is great but deep down the film went off in to many directions such as following the life of the cripple or the Kings journey to see the oracle. I also didn't buy the rock n roll music in this film. If you are going to make an epic movie, it should come with music designed for the time period. The combination of modern elements and the epic story did not work at all. I had really high expectations for 300, yet the slow motion action, non-interesting supporting characters, and corny dialogue left me really disappointed. By the end of this film I really didn't care about who lived and who died. This surprised me because the film is meant to have you cheering for the Spartans. The film is proof that action is still better without the computer generated special effects (check out Children of Men). However, this may change after I see Avatar.

1) Boondock Saints

I don't know how this film has become a cult classic. I know I will offend some people by saying this film is overrated, but in all honesty this film was a disaster. Some people thought this film was funny, yet I don't remember laughing out loud even once. All the jokes are flat and despite some good one-liners by the two leads most of the dialogue is uninteresting. Willem Dafoe is a great actor but his character was unnecessarily flamboyant. At times the film wants to be taken seriously, yet it pulls jokes such as Dafoe dressing up as a woman that completely take away from the story. The film overall should have either gone all action drama or all comedy but it goes for both and fails. As far as the premise of two brothers suddenly gaining the ability to kill criminals, it is really hard for me to buy. Nothing triggered their sudden decision except for being in a prison cell. Even the action sequences are not thrilling at all caused by the slow motion that takes away from the intensity. After watching the film I felt like I wasted two hours of my life. You couldn't pay me to see the second installment.


  1. Good rankings except for Boondock Saints. WTF!? That is one of the best movies of the decade.

  2. Haha, I love the boondock saints review. The movie is so damn cheesy. "THERE WAS A FIREFIGHT!!>!>!!" I mean, get real. Be Cool had better dialogue.

    The movie does have flashes of brilliance, and I think if a more seasoned/talented scriptwriter took a crack at the story and a better editor could re-cut the movie, it could be awesome.

    But it's filled with so much asinine crap like slow motion gunplay, a very serious and harrowing survival scene that ends with a man throwing a toilet off a roof?

    And I particularly hate the blatantly hijacked-from-Pulp-Fiction accidental shooting of the cat scene.

    It just lacks originality and is really a yawn fest. Instead of writing a good story it's like its chock full of hairbrained novelties (mostly just riffs from other films that actually used the novelties for a purpose besides plot-filler) and overzealous, unrealistic dialogue.
