Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Review of World's Greatest Dad

When you are a father I can imagine it is extremely difficult to distinguish the line between being a friend and being a disciplinarian. I'm sure things are further complicated when your son or daughter's purpose in life seems to be to make your life miserable. What do you do when your child appears to hate you? An even more interesting question: What do you do when you don't even like your own child? These are questions explored in Bobcat Goldthwait's World's Greatest Dad, which is in my opinion one of the best dark comedies of 2009.

As a high school teacher, Lance Clayton (Robin Williams) has tried his whole life to have his writings published but has always failed. However, after a bizarre incident involving his son, Lance has the source material available to write some of his best works, which eventually receive national acclaim. At first Lance appears to enjoy his newly found success, but then he begins to realize that his achievements are occurring at the expense of his son. Lance loves his son, but because he does not trust or respect him he believes it is okay to achieve success at his expense. However, after his works are published he begins to realize that though he may not always like his son, he loves him and has certain responsibilities toward him.

Overall, World's Greatest Dad works best as a dark, raunchy comedy, yet there is also an interesting and original story about a father and son that keeps the viewer entertained. So if you are looking for a raunchy comedy and you have to choose between re-watching one of the Judd Apatow films (40 Year Virgin, Funny People, Knocked Up) or World's Greatest Dad, check out Robin William's latest film on Instant Netflix. It's one of his best of the last decade.

YouTube Trailer

RATING: 3.5/5.0

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